About the "Day Trip" Series


  The idea for "Day Trip to the Renaissance" was born when I studied in Florence, Italy. I loved the Italian Renaissance and wanted to use some of its principles in my own work. Moreover, since anything can happen in art, why couldn't I, representing the ubiquitous tourist with camera, enter the paintings themselves and interact with characters there?

  "Day Trip to Wonderland" continues the premise, obviously with inspiration from "Alice In Wonderland". This Wonderland is a topsy turvy world of art where characters from art history and present time, large and small, meet each other and co-exist - and you can always find me there with my camera to record the events.

  These paintings also serve as homages to some favorite artists, and I hope they demonstrate my wonder and love of art throughout the ages.
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Copyright Estate of Shirley Pasternak 2021.   All rights reserved.